Home $ Insights $ Download: The Complete NetSuite Implementation Guide

The Complete NetSuite
Implementation guide

Want to run a successful ERP implementation project? This guide covers all of the critical steps you need to follow in order to align your company for ERP implementation success.

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ERP Implementation Guide + Checklist

Quality planning is the key to any successful ERP implementation. Our Guide contains the critical information you need know to lead a successful ERP implementation, including:

– ERP implementation phases & team allocation
– Key project activity checklist
– The cost of a NetSuite Implementation

About Trajectory

Trajectory is a digital transformation consulting group, dedicated to assisting Private Equity operating teams, Office of the CFO advisory groups, and portfolio companies’ executives in achieving operational excellence. Following a business-first solution agnostic approach, we assist with: Pre-Acquisition Due Diligence, Blueprinting, and Implementation of entire technology ecosystems including Salesforce, NetSuite, OpenAir, Shopify, Boomi, and GenAI.

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