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How We Help

Trajectory has helped dozens of clients successfully implement and/or optimize their Salesforce solutions. Our experienced consultants learn about your sales management processes, document your requirements, and map out how Salesforce can be configured to best address your business needs now and for the future. We implement our carefully honed project management methodology to deliver your solution on time and on budget. To learn more about our implementation methodology, read our blog here.

About Salesforce

Salesforce is the world’s most popular cloud SaaS (software-as-a-service) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform used by 150,000 companies including Adidas, American Express and Toyota. It provides a 360 degree view of customer journeys from marketing and sales stages through to purchase, both via desktop and mobile, allowing customers to grow their businesses anytime from anywhere. It’s a complete CRM solution that covers contact management, sales process and funnel management that also includes powerful reporting capabilities.

What is CRM?

Benefits of Salesforce CRM

Salesforce is the worlds’ most popular cloud CRM platform due to the following benefits:

Provides a Holistic View of Your Customers – All touchpoints with customers are tracked so that you understand how customers and potential customers interact with you. This information can inform marketing strategies and business development efforts.

Eliminates Data Silos – The hand-off from marketing to sales is streamlined, as relevant data is available automatically, eliminating the need for data reentry and miscommunications that could lead to errors. Saleforce’s quote management feature allows sales team members to create quotes that then allow for real-time forecasting and productivity tracking.

Creates Efficient Customer Service Experience – Salesforce can track orders through to delivery to ensure customers experience a seamless process.

Facilitates Team Collaboration/Engagement – Salesforce allows users to set and track goals using visual dashboards, hence motivating employees to hit their targets. In addition, as the marketing and sales teams share the same complete data set, they can work collaboratively to increase sales and improve processes.

Provides Trustworthy Reporting – This allows you to view trends while they happen and make informed strategic decisions.

Allows for Comprehensive Sales Forecasting and Sales Compensation Management – Salesforce provides a complete view of the sales pipeline and all related touchpoints and allows for automated workflows to nurture relationships with prospects. In addition, sales compensation can be accurately calculated in real-time.

Mobile and Desktop Access – Salesforce offers a mobile access option that facilitates access anytime, anywhere.

To learn more about whether Saleforce is the right fit for your organization, and how Trajectory can help you implement Salesforce, contact us using the form below.

Salesforce Overview

Trajectory Group


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Digital Transformation for Large Organizations Demystified

Digital Transformation for Large Organizations Demystified

Successfully implementing digital transformation, especially for large organizations, requires a strategic approach. The path to realizing value creation includes the balancing of technology, methodology, and pedagogy elements. Successfully implementing the four tactical pillars of digital transformation success: a business-first mindset, strategic project phasing, collaborative implementation teams, and consistent onboarding and support paves the way towards value creation.

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